Frontmatter Documentation
Option Name | Available Values |
title | Any text you want to override the default title |
description | Any text you want for the seo description |
favicon | url of a favicon image |
navbar | true, false (default) |
navbarTheme | light, dark, primary |
navbarLogo | The url of a logo for your navbar |
navbarLink | The url you want your navbar logo to link to |
navbarDocumentLinks | Include document header elements as links within the navbar |
navbarHeadingsLinked | Comma separated list of headings you want automatically linked in the nav (default: h2) |
navbarAutoLinks | Automatically link to other documents in your project |
theme | Cerulean, Cosmo, Cyborg, Darkly, Flatly, Journal, Litera, Lumen, Lux, Materia, Minty, Morph, Pulse, Quartz, Sandstone, Simplex, Sketchy, Slate, Solar, Spacelab, Superhero, United, Vapor, Yeti, Zephyr, (Or you can pass a url to a stylesheet and override bootstrap) |
codeTheme | Full List of Themes - only use the name without the ".css". For example: "monokai", "atom-one-dark" (default), or "base16/atlas" |
overrideNavLinks | A yaml array where each object in the array has href and text |
mdx | true | false (default) |
autoclasses | object with keys for html element name and string value for the classes to automatically be applied to those elements |
headAppend | Put any html you want to append to the head of the site |
bodyAppend | Put any html you want to append to the body of the site |
headPrepend | Put any html you want to prepend to the head of the site |
bodyPrepend | Put any html you want to prepend to the body of the site |
reactVersion | 18.3.1 (default) the react version you want to use |
Example Document With Frontmatter
navbar: true
navbarTheme: dark
theme: cyborg
title: Example Title
- href: /#
text: Jump to Top
☝️Above this line is frontmatter that configures the Markdown Space Site Builder.
# Example Heading
Markdown content continues down here!
Example Document With MDX
navbar: true
mdx: true
import { Button } from ''
export const handlClick = () => alert('hello world')
# Demo MDX
<Button color="primary" onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</Button>